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Make Legacy Giving your next step in supporting PAWS.

Your contribution to PAWS through a planned legacy gift will provide the resources we’ll need to save local animals from harm and suffering and financial aid to pet owners for years to come.

As a courtesy for those who leave a legacy gift for PAWS, we can assume ownership of pets that may outlive you if you need our assistance. Whether or not your pet(s) was adopted from us, your pet(s) will be lovingly cared for by a foster family, until we find a new, loving home. Let us help you plan ahead for your beloved pets.

If you would like to enroll your pets in PAWS Legacy Pets, please call Eunice Nicholson, Sr. Director of Philanthropy at 307-734-2441 or email:

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  • In your will or trust

  • A gift of stocks or appreciated securities

  • A gift that provides income to you and/or your beneficiaries

  • Outright gift from your IRA (if 70.5 years or older)

  • Real Estate

  • A gift to PAWS as a beneficiary of a life insurance, donor advised fund, retirement or other financial account

info for your attorney

  • PAWS – Providing Animal Welfare Services

    PAWS is a charitable organization exempt from federal taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Tax identification number: 83-0326768

  • PAWS

    PO Box 13033

    Jackson, WY 83002

  • Eunice Nicholson

    Sr. Director of Philanthropy

    307-734-2441 or

  • “I, (name), of (city, state, zip), give, devise and bequest to PAWS – Providing Animal Welfare Services (written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property) for its unrestricted use and purpose.”

  • Pets that I have at the time of my death have been enrolled in the Legacy Pet Program

    At PAWS located at 320 East Broadway, Suite 2B, Jackson, WY 83002. (307) 734-2441.

    It is my wish for my pets to be taken by my personal representative to PAWS.

    It is my understanding that PAWS will assume ownership and care for my

    pet(s) though a foster family, in accordance with responsible and compassionate

    practices, with the intention of finding a new loving home.

We are pleased to provide information to you, your financial advisor, or estate planner on how to make a planned gift to PAWS. However, neither PAWS nor its employees may give legal advice.

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